16:38 12.07.2017

Poroshenko: UAH 16 bln will be allocated for road construction in Ukraine in 2017

1 min read
Poroshenko: UAH 16 bln will be allocated for road construction in Ukraine in 2017

More than UAH 16 billion will be spent on road construction in Ukraine this year, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.

"We are confident that more than UAH 16 billion will be used for road construction where it has never been done in Ukraine this year so that people could feel we have resources to do this, despite the fact that we are forced to sharply increase financing for the defense and security sector," Poroshenko said, when opening a new enterprise of Guala Pack in Sumy region.

According to him, if in the previous years the use of funds from overfulfillment of customs revenues for road construction was the privilege of only a few regions, in 2017 it was decided to extend this practice to the whole Ukraine.

Poroshenko noted for the first five months of this year the budget of Sumy region received more than UAH 300 million for road construction in the framework of this experiment.